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The unofficial Snowflake Pricing Calculator

Arctica’s Unofficial Snowflake Pricing Calculator was designed to help you estimate your future Snowflake costs. Whether you’re already using Snowflake, or merely looking into it, the calculator will allow you to understand what you’re paying for and adjust your Snowflake usage patterns to reduce it’s anticipated costs.


"Plans are useless, but planning is indispensable"

 Dwight D. Eisenhower


Things To Remember Before You Start

  • Snowflake is a managed service and is, by definition, always-on. This doesn’t mean that you should tick the “we’re running 24-7” checkbox. When guesstimating running times in the calculator, fill-in only the running duration of your processes - ETL, analytics etc.

  • After some idle time - typically 5 minutes - Snowflake auto-suspends your warehouse (or, in simpler words - goes to sleep). When you execute a new query, Snowflake warehouse will resume automatically.

  • An X-small warehouse is powerful enough to handle a couple of hundred millions of records

  • Cost estimations are calculated per second, with a minimum of 60 second

Snowflake offers a built-in data pipeline (aka Snowpipe) to ingest data from external files. In some scenarios, using Snowpipes can reduce your data loading costs.

  • Snowflake offers a built-in data pipeline (aka Snowpipe) to ingest data from external files. In some scenarios, using Snowpipes can reduce your data loading costs.

  • Be aware of Snowflake versions and plans. They may utilize different resources and each may carry a different price-tag (more on this below).

  • You may benchmark Snowflake using your existing, real-life data by performing a POC.

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